The Almighty Hummus!

Alright, valiant voyagers of the vegetable kingdom and jesters of the culinary crusade, it’s time to strap on your aprons and embark on an epic quest for the Holy Grail of dips – the Almighty Hummus! This isn’t just cooking; it’s a gastronomic gallivant into the creamy core of the Middle East, armed with laughter […]

A Miracle of a Country

The previous post was written on the eve of Independence Day, about Holocaust Remembrance Day, which was observed in Israel about nine days ago. This post is written on Independence Day itself and will discuss Memorial Day in Israel, which is observed just one week after Holocaust Remembrance Day. On November 29, 1947, the UN […]

Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel

Captured Jewish resistance fighters raise their hands in surrender as they are surrounded by armed SS troops during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The scene depicts the aftermath of the intense struggle within the ghetto, with bodies and destruction visible in the background.

I sit down to write to you, and now it’s already the eve of Independence Day. On the surface, we should be celebrating and rejoicing, and indeed, some people somehow manage to do so. But for a very large part of the Jewish people, there is no reason for joy or pride today. Our forces […]

Born In Israel Newsletter Vol.3

Shalom Everyone! I hope this finds you well and safe. I’m thrilled to finally sit down and share some updates from my corner of the world. Although I’ve been eager to reconnect, the past few days have been packed with family gatherings during Passover and intense work on the second book in the Unmasking the […]

Born In Israel Newsletter Vol. 2

A family celebrating Passover in a dimly lit room with traditional Passover elements on the table, while outside the window, distant explosions and military helicopters can be seen.

The truth is, I hadn’t planned to release another newsletter so soon after the first one. However, with the arrival of Passover and people beginning to wish each other a ‘Happy Holiday’ again,I felt a heaviness in my heart.This prompted me to write to you, to share some reflections on the holiday and how its […]

Born In Israel Newsletter Vol.1

Middle East Conflict Represented as a Strategic Chess Game

I am proud and honored to welcome you to the first-ever edition of the Born In Israel Compass. This newsletter is designed to deepen your understanding of the unfolding events in my beloved country, spanning from the river to the sea.In this volume, we will navigate together through the current challenges and pivotal moments shaping […]

Welcome to Born In Israel!

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